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Google Ads Account Your First Campaign

PPC Guide: Preparing to set up a Google Ads account & your first campaign

Before you can begin bidding on keywords and creating ads, you first need to set up an account. The setup process can be a bit daunting at first, but once it’s done, you’ll have full control over your campaign and will be able to reap the benefits of keyword research.

This guide will cover everything from the basic setup steps to advanced ad group structures and landing page optimization.

1. Learn a few basic terms

Start by learning a few terms and concepts.

Google ads, or PPC (Pay-per-click) ads, are ads that appear at the top or bottom of search results on Google, depending on your campaign settings.

– A campaign is a group of ads and landing page content that you’re bidding on and tracking together.

– A landing page is the page where conversion occurs after clicking an ad. It often contains calls to action and information about the product or service being advertised.

– A keyword is a word or phrase used in your ad copy to attract customers’ attention. It can be the name of your product, an agricultural term, or a keyword for search engine optimization (SEO).

– A landing page title is the text shown above the ad when someone views the landing page. It can be anything relevant to your campaign, such as a “PPC guide” or “Free trial offer”.

– A keyword group is a group of keywords organized by category. This makes it easier for ad campaigns to target their ads to specific keyword groups with similar interests.

– Bidding is how much you’re willing to pay per ad click. You can set different bids for each keyword group on your campaign so that you’re bidding less for keywords with high search volume and more for keywords with low search volume.

– The bid amount is expressed as either cent per click (CPC) or clicks per cost per click (CPC). Cpc bidding lets you target ads based on cost per ad rather than cost per impression (CPM). Cp bidding is more common in paid search advertising today.

– The ad copy is the text shown next to an

2. Organize your account

If you’re interested in setting up a campaign on Google Ads, the first step is to create a Google Ads account for free. This will allow you to easily set up a campaign and manage ad campaigns across multiple ad types, account types, and countries.

Once you’ve created your account, make sure to link it to your Merchant Center account so you can access product data. By doing this, you can optimize your ads and campaigns based on your customer’s preferences and purchasing habits.

Plus, the data will help you identify potential audiences and track ad performance. It’ll also give you access to conversion tracking and other insights that will help improve your ads and campaigns over time.

In terms of budgeting, it’s best to organize your account around ad campaigns rather than individual ads. This will allow you to accurately track ad spending and analyze campaign performance across ad types and account types.

It’ll also give you greater insight into ad performance metrics like cost-per-click or cost-per-thousand impressions.

The more you know about your campaign’s overall performance, the easier it becomes to optimize ad copy and landing page content for higher conversions.

After creating an account, it’s vital to follow the steps provided by Google Ads’ setup guides. Doing so will ensure that your ads are properly optimized based on your target audience’s interests and landing page behaviors. Also, be sure to monitor ad campaigns regularly and make any adjustments as needed.

3. Set your budget

Start by setting daily and bid budgets for campaigns based on business goals. Choose cost-per-click bidding that best matches your budget and website quality.

-Consider spreading the overall budget evenly across campaigns when starting out. This is an effective strategy to reduce campaign costs and boost conversion rates.

-Make sure to account for 100% spend above the daily budget in your bid budget calculations. This ensures you are getting the maximum possible ROI from your ad campaign.

-Cost-per-click typically ranges from $1-2 depending on the website quality and the bid amount. If you are bidding too high, you may not be able to reach customers with ads on high-quality websites, which could hinder your conversion rate goals. In addition, bidding too low may result in fewer ad clicks, making it difficult to track campaign performance and identify problems.

-If you are running an ad campaign but aren’t able to meet your budget goals, consider looking into alternative ad networks or bidding strategies. For example, ads on a landing page can be cheaper than ads on a page of a website or ads on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Besides, ad extensions such as calls-to-action ads or email landing pages can also help lower campaign costs while maximizing campaign performance.

4. Pick your keywords

Before setting up a campaign in Google Ads, it’s important to first identify the keywords that you’d like to target. You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to get insights on potential keyword ideas. Look for keywords with high search volumes, long-tail keyword phrases, and keyword match types that reflect your business or product.

Bidding on these keywords can help you reach potential customers who are likely to be interested in your ad campaign. However, it’s important to consider search terms people might use when searching for your products. In addition, bidding on keywords with high ad conversion rates could help increase your ad budget and improve your results.

5. Set your keyword match types

In AdWords, keyword match types are a vital part of the campaign setup. With keyword match types, you can control how your ad appears when a user searches for specific keywords. Broad match is the default setting and shows your ad when similar phrases are searched. This type of keyword match allows ads to appear next to any relevant search results, regardless of the keyword used.

On the other hand, a broad match modifier allows you to specify certain words in your keyword that must appear in a user’s search query before your ad appears. Exact match shows your ad only when a user searches for the exact keyword, including its plurals, singulars, and misspellings.

Phrase match and negative match allow for more control and specificity over when your ads appear, allowing ads to appear only for specific keyword variations or not appear at all if the keyword is included in a negative keyword list.

With these keyword match types under your control, you can craft ads that match exactly with your target audience’s search queries and improve your campaign performance.

6. Set your landing pages

– Before you can set up a campaign in Google Ads, you first need to create an account. To do this, click ‘Start Now’ on the top-right corner of the homepage.

– Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be taken to the campaign settings page. Here, you’ll find all the information about your campaign, such as budget, keywords, and landing pages.

– The next step is to set up your landing page. Plus, it’s vital that you focus your landing page around a specific offer that leads customers to take action. This will help track conversions better. It’s also important to have a call-to-action button on your landing page that clearly calls out why customers should visit it.

– Finally, ensure your landing page is relevant and easy to navigate with a clean design and optimized for mobile devices. When starting a campaign, turning on “All features” will expand extensions options such as reviews, ads app tracking. This will give you more flexibility when designing your landing page and ad copy.

7. Decide which devices to show up on

If you are planning to run a campaign on Google Ads, you first need to decide which devices you’d like ads to appear on. This is important as it will help you target your ads more effectively.

When setting up a campaign, select ‘All features’ instead of individual ad extensions. This will enable ads to show on various types of search queries such as mobile and tablet searches. This will allow you to target ads based on the device the user is using.

Another way to include customer reviews from third-party websites in your campaigns is by expanding the ad extensions option. This will allow ads to appear on reviews pages for different products and services.

To target ads more precisely, consider linking your ad campaign with Merchant Center account and Google Ads account. By doing so, advertisers can reach customers across devices and platforms with one campaign.

8. Write your ads

If you want to start advertising on Google with ads, first you need to set up an online account. You can use this account to create and manage your ads as well as track campaign performance. Once you’ve created your account, you can link it to a website or landing page so that your ads appear there automatically.

You can also sign up for a campaign and customize the ad copy and landing page to match your business goals and budget. Once the campaign is live, you can view remarketing lists to control which audiences see your ads. This allows you to target ads based on keyword or audience preferences.

If you have any questions about ads or would like guidance on setting up a campaign, visit

9. Connect your account to Google Analytics

– You can easily connect your Google Ads account to Google Analytics. From the “Linked Accounts” section in Google Ads, select the account that you’d like to link with Google Analytics and follow the steps to do so.

– You can access the “Linked Accounts” section from the “Preferences” tab in Google Ads. This tab allows you to view and manage all of your linked accounts.

– Connecting your account is free and easy and only takes a few minutes. Once you have connected your account, you can view analytics data for that account in Google Analytics.

– The account owner of the Google Ads and Merchant Center accounts can remove the link between them at any time. This allows them to customize tracking settings for their ads campaigns without affecting analytics data for their other ads campaigns.

By linking your ad campaigns to your analytics account, you can ensure that campaign data is consistent across multiple ad platforms and target audiences are accurately tracked.

Creating An Initial PPC Keyword List

– Start with keyword research.

– Establish a keyword list for your campaign by analyzing ad copy and landing page optimization performance.

– Utilize keyword research tools like Google keyword planner to expand your keyword list and understand its volume, competition, and recommended bidding.

– Understand PPC advertising and the specifics of Google ads before launching a campaign.

– Utilize Merchant Center, Shared Library, Bulk Operations, Campaign Settings, Tools, Reports, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager to learn more about tracking campaign performance.

– Review your company website to identify core words and phrases that describe your business. This will help you create ad copy that is relevant to potential customers’ search queries.

Campaign Structure Basics & Best Practices

Creating a campaign structure is an important step in setting up a successful campaign. In a campaign structure, you divide your ad spend budget among different campaigns based on your business goals.

For example, you may create campaigns for landing page optimization, keyword research, and ad bidding. Each campaign focuses on a specific part of your campaign strategy and targets a specific group of potential customers.

To decide which type of campaign best fits your needs, consider the following factors: budget, target audience, and overall campaign objective.

For instance, if you have a limited ad spend budget but want to target customers who are likely to be interested in your product or service, keyword-based bidding campaigns may be the best option. And if you want to reach as many potential customers as possible without sacrificing quality ads or landing pages, landing page bidding campaigns may be the best option.

Another tip when creating campaign structures is to evenly distribute your budget across campaigns. This helps you determine which campaigns work best for your business and ensures that every ad gets sufficient exposure.

Campaigns and Ad Group Best Practices

When creating campaigns and ad groups, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. This will help you determine which keywords should be targeted and how to best structure your ads. It’s also important to use keyword research tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to organize keywords into ad groups.

These keyword groups should have a common theme so that ads can be more relevant and persuasive. Another key step is setting up conversion tracking sources, such as websites and phones.

This will allow you to see the number of page views or phone calls generated from the ads campaign. Finally, defining SMART goals with your marketing team can help with ad creation.

Ad Creation & Landing Page Mapping

To set up a Google Ads account and create your first campaign, you

The Expanded Text Ad

An Expanded Text ad allows up to 3,000 characters in the headline. This is much more than the 200-character limit for regular text ads. The expanded text ads also allow for a landing page where users “land” when they click on an advertisement. It should focus on a specific objective.

You must ensure that your landing page is mobile-friendly so that users can easily navigate it on their phone or device. Include a desired call-to-action button on the landing page to make it easier for users to take action after clicking on your ad.

Last but not least, Google Ads text ads now have the new Responsive Search Ads format, which means you can create ads that adapt to different screen sizes automatically.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are useful tool for advertisers as they allow users to provide additional information without any extra cost. There are several types of ad extensions available, including sitelinks, callouts, location, offer, and app extensions. Sitelink extensions provide users with a way to add links to their website from an ad.

Callouts highlight the benefits of a product or service, while Call extensions enable direct phone calls from the ad. Other ad extensions include price and promotion extensions that can be used to highlight products and services. It is essential for advertisers to setup ad extensions that best match their campaign goals and target audience.

Outlook: Ad extensions help ads stand out from competitors by providing additional information about the company, its products, or services. They are a cost-effective way of promoting your business online. Besides, ad extension types can be customized based on campaign goals and target audience. Thus, it is important for marketers to setup ad extension types that best match their campaign goals and target audience.

Landing Page Mapping

Ad creation and landing page mapping are closely related. A well-designed landing page can help convert visitors into leads or customers. Quality score can be improved with the right ad text. The landing page mapping should send customers on a direct path to conversion, with limited clicks.

When creating ads, it is important to identify what your conversion will be and the value associated with it. It’s also crucial to identify not only how customers will reach you but also what page they need to land on for conversion. Landing page mapping takes all of these factors into account, sending customers on a direct path to conversion, with as few clicks as possible.

Campaign Creation & Settings

When creating a campaign on the Google Ads platform, users first need to create an account. This is a simple four-step process that involves creating a campaign and settings, inputting billing information, selecting a payment method, and finalizing the account creation.

After campaign creation and settings have been completed, users will need to input their ad text and targeting details. This includes keyword selection, landing page optimization, and budget allocation.

Once an account is created, users can create ads and start triggering them. Education materials such as Facebook Ads Beginners Guide and Google Ads Beginners Guide are available to help guide users through the campaign setup process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of ads can be placed on Google?

When it comes to ad placement, you have a lot of choices when it comes to ads on Google.
Google Ads allow you to place text ads through Search Ad Campaigns on the top results page (SERP) for a particular search query. Display ads can also be targeted through keywords, audiences, placements and more.
Video ads are also available on Google, though they’re not as common as text ads or display ads. In order to place a video ad, you first need to create a Google Ads account and then set up your campaign.

How much does it cost to set up a Google Ads account?

Setting up a Google Ads account is free of charge. The average cost per click in the US is between $1-$2. However, the cost can vary depending on the website quality and bidding amount. Factors like website quality and bidding amount can alter your ad rank and potential click-through rates (CTRs).
Additionally, setting up an account requires understanding the Ad Auction system. In order to optimize your ads and rank higher in the search engine results page (SERP), you’ll need to be aware of several factors, like ad budget and maximum bid amounts.
However, ad budget and maximum bid amounts are not the only important factors when it comes to ranking well in Google Ads. Understanding ad copy, landing page design and keyword usage are also essential for success.

What are the steps involved in setting up a Google Ads campaign?

To get started with setting up a Google Ads campaign, you first need to create a Google Ads account. Then, you’ll need to choose a budget, target audience, and set bids for your ad campaign. You can then write ad copy that will run alongside the ads you pay for. Lastly, you’ll bid on search terms or keywords using the keyword planner tool.


The above-mentioned tips and best practices can help you create quality ads that get your ad campaign setup off to a great start. If you follow them, you’ll find it easier to optimize ad performance. In the next section, we look at how to setup an ad campaign with Google Ads. You’ll also learn about ad extensions and landing page mapping, which will help you craft ads that perform well.

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