PageRank is an algorithm ranking search engine results. In layman’s terms, page ranking is how search engine results are determined by search engine algorithms and web page popularity.
A page ranking algorithm is one of Google’s search ranking factors to determine search results placement. Page ranking has a significant impact on many aspects of search engine optimization, such as keyword research, link building, and backlinks.
Page ranking affects search engine results in a number of ways. It plays a key role in determining the ranking of search results and indirectly affects the organic search engine traffic of websites. Besides this, page ranking also helps determine how well-known or popular a website or blog is among internet users.
In this blog, we will talk about page ranking and how it works. We will also touch upon the factors that affect page ranking algorithms and the factors that still matter for page ranking optimization.
What is PageRank?
PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important a website is. The numeric value assigned to web pages by PageRank reflects this ranking score, with higher numbers indicating higher importance.
The Google Toolbar was an official way to access the numeric value (0-10) assigned to web pages by PageRank. This toolbar offered users the ability to easily view and adjust their PageRank values on web pages. This was especially helpful for web developers and publishers who wanted to ensure their pages received high PageRanks.
PageRank is one of many factors used by Google to determine a page’s position in the search results page. These factors include content quality, relevance, and organic search volume, among others.
The PageRank algorithm is constantly evolving as more data is collected and analyzed, which makes it difficult for webmasters or search engine readers to predict what score they will receive for any particular page.

PageRank — a System for Ranking Web Pages
PageRank is an algorithm developed by Google engineers Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998 to measure and rank webpages according to their relevance to the user. It assigns a score of 0-10 based on the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage.
PageRank is not a measure of content quality; it simply reflects the probability that a random internet surfer will click on links and end up on page X of website Y. The higher the score, the more relevant page X is to random internet surfer Y. In essence, it works as a search engine that sorts web pages by their relevance.

How Is PageRank Calculated?
PageRank is a metric that is used to determine the quality of a website based on the number and quality of links it has. It is determined by a mathematical formula that counts links to a website as “votes”. A website’s PageRank is determined by its number of links and their value, as well as the original site linking back to it. The algorithm also takes into account the website offering the link to the original site.
- PageRank is a Quality Ranking for Each Web Page, and It’s Calculated Using a Simple Iterative Algorithm.
- This Algorithm Corresponds to the Principal Eigenvector of the Normalized Link Matrix of the Web.
- First, It Makes Use of the Link Structure of the Web to Determine a Quality Ranking for Each Web Page.
- This Ranking is Called PageRank and is Calculated by Counting the Number and Quality of Links to a Page.
- The Original PageRank Formula Is PR(A) = (1 – d) x d(PR(B)/1).
- ‘d’ is a Damping Factor, Which is Typically Set at 0.85 in Order to Reduce the Effects of Random Surfing.
- This Formula Measures How Important A Webpage Is by Taking Into Account How Many Other Pages are Linked to it, and How Important Those Pages are too!
So Now You Know – PageRank Is Calculated Using an Iterative Algorithm Based On The Link Structure of the Web, and Helps Determine A Quality Ranking for Each Webpage!
A Brief History of Google PageRank
PageRank has its roots in a 1996 study by Sergey Brin and Larry Page into search engine algorithms. This was the first algorithm used by google to order search engine results.
The patent rights for PageRank were assigned to Stanford University, and PageRank was officially assigned a numeric value from 0 to 10. PageRank was accessible through Google’s toolbar via a built-in feature on most internet browsers, allowing webmasters to measure a page’s ranking with relative ease. However, in 2013, Google stopped updating PageRank and dropped support for it in 2016.
PageRank focused on factors like backlinks to determine the importance of pages on a web search engine result page. It considered factors like domain authority and how many links a page has pointing to it as important factors in ranking pages. As a result of this algorithm, search engine results pages became less reliant on keyword optimization and more reliant on other factors such as backlinks and organic ranking.
The Introduction of the Google Toolbar
In 2000, Google introduced the toolbar that allowed users to view site’s PageRank score. This was a game-changer for search engine optimization (SEO) professionals, who began to focus on increasing PageRank as a way to improve rankings. The search engine optimization industry soon adopted the practice of exchanging money for links and link farms were created. These practices led to an increase in search engine spam and ultimately decreased search quality.
In 2014, Google stopped updating the publicly available toolbar and retired it completely in 2016. This was a significant milestone in the history of search engine optimization and Google algorithm updates.
An Updated PageRank Patent
Google’s original PageRank patent expired in 2018 and was not renewed. The search engine now uses a new algorithm that assesses factors including the likelihood of links being clicked, to determine the authority of web pages and serve search results. The updated algorithm considers the quality of seed pages, which are websites that have high-quality content and links from other authoritative sites. In addition, Google has updated its ranking algorithm to select a few trusted sources called seed pages to assess the quality of other pages.
The latest algorithm incorporates relevant patents related to PageRank, which are known for their groundbreaking work in search engine ranking. These patents cover topics such as selecting authoritative pages and assessing page quality based on links coming from those pages.
Understanding How PageRank Works
PageRank is an algorithm used by Google to determine a page’s relevancy in search results. It measures the quality and quantity of external links to and from a particular website. In other words, pageRank refers to the importance of a page within a specific subject matter.
The algorithm assigns a score of 0-3 to each page indicating its relative importance in a particular subject matter. The higher the score, the higher the ranking on search engine results in pages. This score is based on the assumption that more important websites will have more backlinks from other sites. To understand PageRank better, let’s look at an example scenario.
Suppose there are two pages – A and B – promoting different products of the same brand X. Both pages get backlinks from various authoritative websites such as C and D. Now, A’s score is higher than that of B’s due to backlinks received from authoritative websites — in this case, C and D.
This means that A has a high probability of being listed higher on search engine results page compared to B
By understanding PageRank, you can better gauge how important your website is when it comes to ranking on search engine results pages using the PageRank algorithm.
Factors That Influence(d) PageRank and That Still Matter
PageRank is the algorithm used to determine the ranking of web pages on search engine results pages. It factors in external signals such as the number of links and internal factors such as keyword importance and page content to determine a page’s ranking.
Over time, Google has refined its algorithm to account for hundreds of ranking factors. Some of these factors include anchor text, internal links, nofollow links, and the number of links a page has. However, these factors still play a major role in determining to rank.
The importance of each factor varies from one search engine to another. For instance, the number of links is important for search engine results in page rankings in some countries but not in others. This is because search engine results pages are tailored for specific countries’ online environments.
Another important factor is the content of a web page. In general, high-quality content ranks higher than low-quality content on search engine results pages. High-quality content includes articles with good keyword utilization and backlinks from high-authority domains.
Finally, search engine results pages are also influenced by how relevant a keyword is to the query being made on the pages.

Anchor Text
Anchor text is the text that links one web page to another. It is used by Google’s PageRank algorithm to better understand the subject matter of a page. When a user searches for information on a particular topic, anchor text is typically the highlighted words or phrases that serve as hyperlinks between web pages.
Anchor text provides context for the connections between web pages, and it is important to use anchor text in a natural and restrained way to avoid penalizing search results.
The algorithm considers anchor text phrasing as primary keywords for ranking search results. This means that using keyword phrases such as “the keyword phrase” or “in the keyword” can improve search results by providing additional context.
Anchor text is an important component of search engines like Google, and it plays an important role in providing users with relevant search results.
The Likelihood of a Link Being Clicked
The likelihood of a link being clicked on Google PageRank is determined by a proprietary mathematical formula that counts every link to a website as a vote. This algorithm evaluates the strength of each link and determines how likely it is that the link will be clicked.
The algorithm considers factors such as the quality of the link and the popularity of the page that it links to when determining how likely it is that a link will be clicked.
For example, if a link from page A points to page B, which is popular and of high quality, then page A’s link will count more toward page B’s ranking in search engine results. In this way, the number and quality of links pointing to a web page play an important role in establishing order in search engine results.
Internal Links
PageRank algorithm considers the internal link structure of a website to determine the ranking of web pages. Google’s PageRank algorithm takes into account a website’s internal link structure to determine the relevance and importance of web pages. The algorithm considers factors such as the number of internal links, link attributes, link placement, and anchor text in determining page ranking.
In addition to page ranking, Google also considers other factors that influence page ranking when evaluating web pages, such as keyword usage, page layout, and back-links from other websites. Overall, internal links are important for a web page’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is because internal links help search engine algorithms determine the relevance and importance of web pages. Additionally, search engine algorithms take into account page ranking and navigation patterns formed by internal links to accurately rank web pages in search results.
In order to build an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, it is important to optimize a web page’s internal link structure for both page ranking and search engine algorithms. It is always recommended to strategically place internal links on relevant keywords and phrases in order for search engine algorithms to accurately determine the ranking of web pages.
NoFollow Links
NoFollow links are links on a page that aren’t meant to influence the PageRank of the page they’re on. They help prevent search engine optimization (SEO) spam by preventing search engines from ranking pages based on links within them.
Without NoFollow links, search engine algorithms can be easily fooled, leading to unintended results. NoFollow links do not increase a website’s page ranking, but they can help reduce the risk of keyword stuffing and other SEO spam.
NoFollow links are useful for reducing search engine optimization (SEO) spam and ensuring search results are accurate and useful. They can be a useful tool for any website looking to improve its ranking in search results.
What is my Google PageRank?
Google PageRank is a measure of a website’s importance on the internet. It is determined by the number and quality of links that a website has from other websites. Google uses PageRank to determine which websites are included in its search results, and how high those websites appear in the results.
PageRank is not exclusively used by Google; other search engines, such as Yahoo! and Bing, also use PageRank to determine the relative positions of websites in their search results. PageRank is an important factor in determining how well a website will perform in Google searches
What is a good Google page rank score?
Google page rank (PR) is a measure of a website’s importance and quality in the search engine results pages (SERPs). A high PR score indicates that the website is well-respected by Google and is likely to be visited by a large number of people.
Is Google PageRank really ‘dead’?
As PageRank can still be used to rank websites. However, there are some indications that PageRank might be losing some of its importance in the search engine optimization (SEO) world.
While PageRank is still an important tool for ranking websites, it may not be as dominant as it once was. If you are concerned about your website’s SEO ranking, it may be a good idea to consult with a professional who can help you assess your website’s current ranking and make recommendations for improvement.
To be able to obtain page ranking on search engine results, web pages link out to other pages. If a page links out to another page, it is referred to as an internal link. The page linking out is said to have a “following” of that page.
Google uses computer algorithms called PageRank and keyword density to calculate the importance of web pages. In addition, Google uses links from other web pages as indicators of how important a particular web page is. Therefore, google prefers web pages with a high number of backlinks and keyword-targeted links.
Page ranking is directly influenced by the number of links pointing to a webpage from other web pages and by keyword-targeted links from other web pages. A webpage can improve its ranking by creating backlinks from high-quality websites or blog posts that link to it.
Besides search engine optimization, building relationships with relevant web page owners and blog owners can also help in improving page ranking on search engine results.